Mehav, an offshoot of Pukaar, draws on its meaning in the Urdu language and aims to “indulge” or “engross” its clients in therapeutic artistic pursuits in order to help them cultivate psychological well-being.
Our mission is to provide our clientele with a safe and professional environment in which they can channel their creative capacity through various modes of artistic expression, and in doing so, attain a profound sense of the emotional closure they need. By providing an avenue in which people can meditate and reflect on their troubles in a productive way, Mehav seeks to make the creation of art instrumental in allowing people to understand themselves better, and consequently heal themselves more efficiently.
We envision our emergence as a stronghold for the practice of professionally supervised and thoroughly guided art therapy that will allow our clientele to connect with their inner selves on an intrinsic level, and consequently, fully comprehend the magnanimity of the troubles and problems that riddle them. Moreover, we seek to cultivate a friendly therapeutic environment within which people can use expressions of art to articulate their feelings without being held back by socially constructed stigmas regarding mental health problems.
Be it the employees of an insurance companies or a massive business, Mehav promises to cater to the diverse needs of all sorts of corporate workers, regardless of the nature of their job or that of the organization they work in. Mehav strives to provide specialized facilities to all corporate workers, in the form of multi-faceted corporate retreats, in order to encourage their psychological well-being.
Most importantly, we envisage the growth of our project in a way that will cater to the individualistic needs of all our clients. We understand that our clientele cannot be treated as a homogenous group of people, and thus, we aim to accommodate everybody’s personal inclinations. We hope that by exploring different expressions of art, you are able to lend coherence to the chaotic thoughts that undermine your mental health, and consequently, eliminate these thoughts in a more decisive and effective manner.
Art is considered to be an exclusively significant channel through which man can reflect over his life, contemplate his problems and lend coherence to the unruly thoughts plaguing his mind. Mehav strives to harness this healing potential of art and translate it into engaging and meditative therapeutic pursuits. In today’s ruthless capitalist society, the workforce is bound to work under immense pressures and demanding deadlines, which coupled with familial problems and the all-eclipsing necessity of making ends meet, often takes an almost irreversible toll on the workers’ mental health.
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a project of pukaar community